Welcome to whatever this is!

Hi, dear reader! Welcome to my website, I guess. I hadn’t ever planned on writing a blog (it’s 2024, I’m Gen Z, sue me), but I realised occasionally I have thoughts that I find cool, but don’t have anyone to talk about with. So this is where they’re going now!

A bit about myself: I’m a self-taught programmer from Bulgaria, I love tinkering around with systems and stuff that’s more “behind the scenes”. I’ve been coding since around 8 years old and have gained quite a lot of weird and quirky bits of knowledges from random areas in development that have piqued my interest as I grew older. I really like roleplay games (not the DnD style, but actual real world roleplaying) and I sometimes journal.

I don’t have any plans for this. No set interval between posts, nothing. Some may be in Bulgarian, who knows: I get a spot on the Internet to dump my ridicolousness in now, and that’s all that matters to me!

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